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Recommended Books For The First Time ReaderFeatured Products
For those who are new to the teachings of Master Choa Kok Sui, our site presents a list of books for the first time reader. We recommend starting off with any of these four titles. These books would provide an insight into the school, the teachings, and Master Choa’s uncluttered style of his writing. Additionally these books are fairly easy to follow for the first-time reader.
1. Achieving Oneness with your Higher Soul (2006) is one of the best books to gain an understanding of deeper concepts such as spirituality, the nature of the soul, self-realization, enlightenment and meditation. These abstruse and difficult concepts are explained by MCKS in a clear, concise, and straight-to-the-point manner. Formerly titled Meditations on Soul Realization, this book is divided into two sections: The first is an explanation on the concepts of the Meditation on Twin Hearts, a beautiful meditation that all Pranic Healers do. The second section is on the Meditation on the Blue Pearl (or Raja Yoga). Other topics include secrets of the Blue Pearl, Kundalini Energy, deeper meanings of the stories and parables across religions, and much more.

2. Superbrain Yoga (2005) provides details a simple and effective technique to energize and recharge the brain. Superbrain Yoga is based on the principles of subtle energy and ear acupuncture. This exercise takes less than 60 seconds a day to perform. The book also includes a Superbrain Yoga mini-poster with instructions on the procedure. This book is a must have for everyone.
3. The Inner Teachings of Hinduism Revealed (2004) provides a lucid exposition of the true meaning behind many of the symbols and rituals of Hinduism. Many symbols have underlying meanings, which have unfortunately been forgotten over the years. By understanding the inner teachings of Hinduism, the reader will appreciate the wisdom inherent in the religion, as well as learn several techniques that are an important part of spiritual practices. This book is recommended for anyone who wants to gain a better understanding of Hinduism.
4. The Origin of Modern Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga (2006) is a story unlike any other. This book details the story of Master Choa Kok Sui’s Spiritual Unfolding. In a clear informative way and relating vivid fascinating anecdotes, Master Choa relates His autobiography from childhood to the global spread of Pranic Healing. This is a serious book but vibrantly written and leavened with many stories about Master Choa Kok Sui, the founder of Modern Pranic Healing, his spiritual mentors, experiences of his disciples and rapid spread of Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga.