Prosperity SeriesAn Overview
Kriyashakti is a Sanskrit word for “using the power of thought to manifest things in the physical plane.” It is the science of manifestation, which gives the individual the ability to manifest wishes more effectively.
Grand Master Choa Kok Sui designed the Kriyashakti Workshop to enable students to fulfill their financial goals and dreams. In this workshop, Master Choa has synthesized his knowledge of subtle energies with his experiences as a successful businessman to reveal the hidden secrets for creating abundance, prosperity, and success.
We see people with good education and abilities unable to produce results commensurate with their background. Many work hard all their lives and end up with unrealized dreams. Yet others seem to have money, and opportunities fall on their lap. Did you ever wonder why this happens?

We are the sum of our thoughts, emotions, decisions, and actions. Our greatest limitations are those that come from within and not from outside. Most of our failures result from negative notions, thought forms, and attitudes that eventually manifest in poor financial conditions, hardships, and disasters.
People on the spiritual path often think money is not good and can be the source of various vices. However, the more accurate way is to look at money as a form of energy that can be used both for good and bad. If money is in the hands of the right people, it can be constructively used for the benefit of humanity. According to MCKS, “Money is Concretized Energy!” In fact, materialistic abundance and prosperity give you the freedom to pursue your spiritual goals. Prosperity is compatible with spirituality.
The Kriyashakti Workshop goes far beyond visualization and affirmations, teaching you time-tested techniques to manifest powerful changes in your life. In this workshop, you will learn:
- Powerful techniques designed to cleanse old negative programming from childhood to continuously attract prosperity and wealth
- The science of entitlement that allows you to create proper conditions to have your goals, targets, and wishes fulfilled
- How to harness the power of thought forms and spoken words to accelerate the manifestation of your dreams and plans
- Ancient techniques such as secret hand gestures (mudras) accelerate the precipitation of thoughts into physical reality
- Using the power of money to accelerate your spiritual development and more.
Master Choa’s Kriyashakti Workshop gives you the exact formula to create financial abundance by actively creating good luck, developing the right attitude for attracting prosperity and success, removing old lingering negative programming about money, and continuously creating powerful thought forms to attract prosperity.
Kriyashakti gives you the freedom to pursue your dreams and enough power to achieve your goals. Kriyashakti Workshop is recommended for businessmen, investors, freelancers, entrepreneurs, and people on the spiritual path. Spirituality and materialism are two sides of a coin. We need both to fly!
We urge you to use the next opportunity to learn these life-changing techniques. Follow us on our social media pages to stay updated about the next Kriyashakti Workshop!
To participate in this workshop, you must be of 16 years of age or above and must have completed Arhatic Yoga Preparatory Level.
It is a two-day workshop and would take a total of 16 hours.
Workshop Fees
Rs. 15,000 (inclusive of GST).
The workshop fee includes a book and notebook and book, kits, food, and refreshments.
Review Fees
You can review any workshop that you have already attended. The review fee for this workshop is Rs. 7,500 (inclusive of GST).; it includes food and refreshments.
Please note that if you are not listed in our database as a graduate of this workshop, you will be asked to submit a copy of your certificate of completion to participate in the review.