Grand Master Choa Kok Sui
Founder of Modern Pranic Healing and Arhatic YogaThe Founder
Grand Master Choa Kok Sui is globally renowned as the Founder of Modern Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga. Born on 15 August 1952 in Cebu, Philippines, and raised in a multi-faith environment, Master Choa Kok Sui was inclined to paranormal and spiritual matters from the tender age of 12. His relentless quest for spiritual truths beyond the accepted realities has led thousands worldwide and from all works of life to experience the benefits of his teachings.
Master Choa Kok Sui (MCKS) was one of the greatest Masters of Energy of our generation. Through Pranic Healing, he conceptualized a fresh and profound understanding of energy healing using Prana (also called Chi, Ki, Mana, Pneuma, Ruah, or Vital Life Force in different traditions). Master Choa developed a system of practices for the seekers on the path of spirituality called Arhatic Yoga; it leads to the realization of the soul (or self). Arhatic Yoga is non-sectarian and can enhance the understanding of any individual willing to accept the existence of the Higher Being or God.
The word ‘Master’ follows the Chinese convention denoting ‘Teacher’.

People often wonder how a successful businessman and an adept scientist can also be an enlightened guru. The perfect blending of these varied qualities made Master Choa Kok Sui a unique spiritual teacher for the millennials and the following generations. He travelled ceaselessly across the globe, teaching students from over 60 countries on 6 continents from all walks of life. His distinctive quality as a teacher was his ability to cause significant shifts in the consciousness of his students. Even by the end of a two-day session, students could experience spiritual elevation, mental alertness, emotional balance, and higher energy levels.
The dynamic style of Master Choa Kok Sui’s teaching is equally reflected in the direct, uncluttered style of his writing. He was a prolific author, and before his passing on March 19, 2007, MCKS finished 25 books published in more than 30 languages. Master Choa’s style in presenting paranormal concepts and unveiling inner (normally hidden) spiritual teachings is simple, straightforward, and practical.
MCKS believed that in addition to “feed the soul”, it is also essential to “feed the body”. Towards the same, MCKS set up many charitable organizations in his lifetime. Even today, those organizations’ philanthropic arm conducts feeding programs in various countries, funds medical assistance for economically challenged patients, and contributes to disaster relief worldwide.
The influence of Master Choa Kok Sui’s life and teachings continues to grow, reaching out through thousands of Pranic Healing foundations, healing centers, and associations in more than 100 countries and cities.
Master Choa – The Scientist
As a young man, Master Choa Kok Sui studied a wide range of healing arts (notably when they were not yet validated as sciences), achieving a kind of encyclopedic knowledge on the subject. He studied yoga, psychic phenomenon, mysticism, Chinese Chi Kung, Rosicrucian Teachings of the Ancient Mystical Order of Rosae Crucis (AMORC), Theosophy, Astara Lessons, Arcane School Teachings, and other esoteric sciences.
During his development as Grand Master, he received a degree in engineering and became a successful businessman. Master Choa spent more than eighteen years researching and studying esoteric sciences that have resulted in the development of the Pranic Healing system. Initially trained as a chemical engineer, his scientific orientation enabled him to systematize the techniques of Pranic Healing carefully. From 1983 to 1987, Master Choa Kok Sui worked on the completion of his Spiritual Thesis: he labored over the monumental tasks of synthesizing, experimenting, validating, conceptualizing, formulating, systematizing, and developing the bulk of what would become Modern Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga. He spent several years experimenting with committed participants to determine the mechanism and see the effectiveness of the healing techniques. These healing techniques are commonly known and used by healers and students of esoteric sciences.
Master Choa stressed the importance of proof and validation in all his spiritual quests and encouraged students only to accept teachings after validation through experiments. He warned against blind beliefs and encouraged students to practice intelligent evaluation and discernment. Master Choa regarded spirituality as science but an inner science that deals with phenomena deeper than and beyond the external physical world. In his recorded lectures, you can often hear MCKS saying in answer to a question about a technique or modality, “Let’s experiment.” The hallmark of Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga system is the experimental segments in every MCKS workshop to ensure students can validate the concepts and techniques discussed.
Founder of Modern Pranic Healing
Master Choa created a new perception of energy healing after identifying multiple applications of prana or pranic energy. Master Choa not only conceived comprehensive techniques to accelerate the body’s healing rate; he even used unique terms to clarify the concepts he devised thoroughly.
Master Choa’s teachings have successfully demonstrated that energy is important in healing the physical body and the mind. An astounding number of doctors from across the globe complement their treatments with Pranic Healing. Renowned hospitals worldwide have dedicated units for Pranic Healing, such as Northern California Neurosurgery and Kaiser Permanent Hospitals (USA), Sinai Medical Centre, Brown’s Cancer Leukaemia Support Centre (Australia), and the Apollo Hospitals all over India. Several dentists, general surgeons, certified and practicing doctors, specialists, and nurses use Pranic Healing along with their treatment for better recovery.
You can apply Pranic Healing to almost every aspect of your life. Students often begin buy trying to improve physical health, and relationships, ensuring mental and emotional well-being, prosperity, self-development, and even for weight loss and beauty. Pranic Healing is truly extraordinary!
Founder of Arhatic Yoga
Master Choa developed a system of practices for the seekers on the path of spirituality that leads to soul-realization or self-realization. It is known as the synthesis of all seven Yogas; Arhatic Yoga was introduced to MCKS by his teacher Mahaguruji Mei Ling (Maha means Great, Guru means teacher, and Ji means Respected – Mahaguruji means ‘Respected Great Spiritual Teacher’). Arhatic Yoga is an advanced spiritual technology composed of a series of practices to accelerate the soul’s evolutionary process. Arhatic Yoga is non-sectarian and can enhance the understanding of any individual willing to accept the existence of the Higher Being or God.
Arhatic Yoga comprises a set of advanced techniques that proportionally balances aspects of Divine Love, Divine Intelligence, and Divine Will. Practitioners can develop higher intuition, advanced mental powers, stable emotions, and refined character and can more rapidly move toward becoming integrated beings of Divine Light. This fantastic synthesis of several yogic practices (from many traditions) introduces the disciple to a set of proven methods to safely accelerate an individual’s spiritual growth.
The Teacher
Master Choa Kok Sui has taught thousands worldwide how to heal themselves and others effectively. He formulated an easy-to-learn, user-friendly system so brilliantly simple that even new students can learn to heal simple ailments over a short time. It enabled them to produce immediate and positive results leading to good health and well-being. Because of this simplicity, Pranic Healing can be utilized by students solely as a healing modality or a way of life. Many of Master Choa’s students pursued advanced courses because they realized that his techniques are accessible, easily understood, and extremely powerful in bringing about phenomenal changes in their lives.
Master Choa believed that students are nurtured through the structure of the course. Hence he designed teaching manuals for instructors who need to follow them step-by-step to ensure consistency in the delivery of the courses. Master Choa standardized these courses, which continue to be taught by licensed instructors in several countries. Currently, there are over 20 workshops on Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga.
Through his pragmatic teaching methodology, students can obtain volumes of lessons relevant for an entire lifetime in a relatively short time. The combination of his experience and wisdom as a parent, self-made successful businessman, adept scientist, and spiritual teacher is palpable. You might be surprised to know how meticulously Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga address the real needs of everyday life.
The Author
The dynamic style of Master Choa Kok Sui’s teaching is equally reflected in the direct, uncluttered style of his writing. Master Choa uniquely presents paranormal concepts and unveils inner (normally hidden) spiritual teachings that are simple, straightforward, and practical.
Master Choa published his first book in late 1987 under the title The Ancient Science and Art of Pranic Healing (which was later modified to Miracles Through Pranic Healing), which has since been translated into more than 30 languages and distributed in over 40 countries. It invariably serves as an introduction for thousands to the science and art of Modern Pranic Healing. Master Choa Kok Sui later founded the Institute for Inner Studies, Inc., and authored over 20 books on Pranic Healing and spirituality before leaving his mortal body on March 19, 2007. His books provide quick and deep insights into energy and its modern-day applications, such as healing, good health, emotional balance, mental clarity, spiritual growth, and prosperous life. The books provide a good slice of his teachings to those learning energy healing or unable to attend his courses.
The Healer
Master Choa Kok Sui often accepted that he was not born a healer but that he gained true mastery of Energy through his dedicated research and love for humanity. He believed in the Law of Correspondence, which states that whatever affects the energy body or aura affects the physical body and vice versa and that whatever happens to the energy body manifests itself in the physical body.
Master Choa Kok Sui offered to heal attendees and their loved ones during his many workshops. His ability to heal was exceptional. The last workshop that he conducted in India was at Kolkata. During the visit, on 21 August 2006, Master Choa address a public talk where he discussed several intriguing topics from his books Inner Teachings of Hinduism Revealed, Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul, SuperBrain Yoga, and The Existence of God is Self-Evident. He also offered to heal several people. The results were simply outstanding. We saw people come in in wheelchairs and walk out.
One will hear many stories from students who have seen Master Choa heal. Many received instantaneous healing from both physical and psychological chronic ailments.
The remarkable degree of proficiency that he gained in his lifetime is a true inspiration to all seeking to pursue Pranic Healing.
Within the school, he is recognized as the Grand Master of Pranic Healing.
There are two Basic Laws in Pranic Healing:
1, The Law of Self-Recovery, which states that the body can heal itself.
2. The Law of Life-Energy, which states that by increasing the life energy level of the body, healing is accelerated.
Pranic Healing accelerates the natural healing process of the body.
The Philanthropist
Master Choa Kok Sui was born into a wealthy family; however, he was never interested in a life of luxury. His heart was filled with compassion and generosity for those who suffer from pain, poverty, and lack of education. Master Choa created multiple avenues that enable one to do service.
Through the global mission of Pranic Healing, he established several humanitarian projects which feed the hungry and heals the sick. He ensured that all the funds help those in need instead of covering operational costs. This ingenious approach has allowed thousands of Pranic Healers around the world to experience bliss by partaking in healing the communities they live in, thereby making the world a better place. International Feeding Programs were created to provide assistance to the hungry and homeless. These programs are an avenue of direct service and enable us to relieve the suffering of the thousands of poverty-stricken and homeless people in distant regions of the world and within our own communities. During his lifetime, MCKS initiated several feeding programs in India, Colombia, Brazil, the Philippines, and the USA.
Master Choa Kok Sui also started the MCKS Trust Fund in 1999. The MCKS Trust Fund works to bring support, restore hope, and rebuild the faith of the economically challenged and marginalized throughout India, especially those who may not otherwise receive any help. It is a registered charitable trust based in Bangalore, established in 1999 by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, the Founder of Modern Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga.
The MCKS Charitable Foundation is another organization set up by Master Choa Kok Sui. MCKS Charitable Foundation renders the following social and charitable services through the organization below:
- Humanitarian Legal Assistance Foundation, Inc. – Renders legal assistance and representation to children detainees and coordinates with other NGOs for a diversion program
- MCKS Food for the Hungry Foundation, Inc. – Helps feed the hungry, especially the malnourished children
- MCKS Caring Heart Foundation, Inc. – Helps in giving medical assistance
Donations fully fund the MCKS Charitable Foundation. Less than 1% of received donations is used for administrative purposes, with nearly all going directly to the various charitable activities of MCKS.

Grand Master Choa Kok Sui
The Spiritual Legacy of MCKS
The Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga systems are the spiritual legacies of Grand Master Choa Kok Sui. Together these two systems provide a solution to most of the problems individuals and the world face collectively.
In less than 30 years, Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga had spread to over a hundred countries worldwide. Master Choa, in fact, throughout his lifetime, used the same techniques that he taught his students to spread his mission across the world – a remarkable testimony of the power of Modern Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga.