The Spiritual Essence of Man
Spirituality SeriesAn Overview
Man is far beyond physical existence, even beyond the emotions and the mind. The Spiritual Essence of Man is a unique and powerful spiritual workshop to experience the divine essence within one’s chakras and energy bodies. The spiritual practitioner is offered a way to connect with his/her true nature!
The Spiritual Essence of Man is a one-of-a-kind workshop that reveals the true nature of man and leads to the experience of the divine essence within your chakras and aura. Master Choa Kok Sui synthesizes the inner teachings of the Tree of Life Kabbalah into a simple but powerful method of spiritual practice. This workshop explains the ancient roots of the Tree of Life described in the Kabbalistic, Hindu, and Egyptian inner study schools. You will learn the inner secrets of each Sephiroth, or Power Center, and experience their awakening as their Divine Names are invoked. You will be empowered with deeper knowledge and practices once divulged only to inner disciples of Egyptian, Indian, and Chaldean mystery schools.

Set against a multicultural backdrop are the syntheses of various esoteric systems, this workshop strings together concepts such as the chakras, the sephiroth, the triple cross, and other symbols, bestowing an immensely effective strategy for living a balanced life to the ardent seekers. The Tree of Life is an alternative path toward reclaiming and redeeming spirituality.
In this workshop, you will learn:
- Lord Krishna’s teachings on the Inverted Tree of Life and the Upanishad’s Tree of Eternity
- Never before publicly revealed correspondences of the Spiritual Anatomy (chakras and auras) in the traditions of Taoism, Christianity, Kabbalah, Sanskrit, Acupuncture, and Egyptian Mystery Schools
- Secrets of the ‘Triple Cross’ and how it can activate your chakras and energize your subtle bodies
- Use of the Keter Sephira for Spiritual Healings
- Direct correspondence of the Lord’s Prayer in the Kabbalistic and Egyptian Tree of Life
- Practice the “I AM” Meditation on your ‘blue pearl’
- Discover your Buddha Nature and Spiritual Fetus and Experience the Divine Essence within you
- Experience an advanced esoteric meditation of the Lord’s Prayer. You will feel elated, internally purified, empowered, and more.
It is highly important for anyone on the spiritual path to know their true essence and their spiritual anatomy. Spirituality is a science. You can get empowered and transformed by knowing the qualities and characteristics of your chakras, subtle bodies, and means of activating and transforming them. In this case, The Spiritual Essence of Man workshop shows you the road map and provides the proper techniques to reach there.
You must complete the Basic Pranic Healing for participating in this workshop and be 16 years or beyond.
It is a one-day workshop (8 hours).
Workshop Fees
Rs. 8,000 (inclusive of GST).
The workshop fee includes books, food, and refreshments.
Reiew Fees
You can review any workshop that you have already attended. The review fee for this workshop is Rs. 4,000 (inclusive of GST); it includes food and refreshments.
Please note that if you are not listed in our database as a graduate of this workshop, then you will be asked to submit a copy of your certificate as proof of completing this workshop, to participate in the review.