Learn More About Arhatic Yoga
Frequently Asked Questions on Arhatic YogaAlthough several spiritual workshops are available in the school, they are all based on the fantastic teachings of Arhatic Yoga. The Arhatic Yoga system comprises a series of unique workshops carefully defined by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui to enable higher spiritual teachings and techniques to be accessible to people worldwide.
You may learn more about Arhatic Yoga by reading answers to the most frequently asked questions.
If there are any other specifics that you would like to know about, please feel free to contact us. We would be happy to hear from you.

What is Arhatic Yoga all about?
Arhatic Yoga is a comprehensive system of spiritual practices that anyone can follow regularly to rapidly and safely accelerate spiritual evolution and union with their Divine Nature. It is not only meditation but a way of life.
First, the role of the Teacher or Guru in the life of the spiritual practitioner is explained and clarified in detail, without the unproven traditions and superstitions.
Then, extensive purifications (both inner and outer) are meticulously practiced to prepare the body for the inflow of ‘Divine Energies.’ This step is critical. The Bible says one should not pour new wine (Soul Force) into old wineskins (unprepared and impure bodies). Purifications entail specialized breathing techniques and simple and easy-to-follow physical exercises to purify the physical and etheric bodies quickly. These physical exercises are simple enough to be done by anyone and do not require agility and strength like Hatha Yoga and other traditional practices. Several additional techniques are taught to enable the spiritual practitioner to remove inner weaknesses.
Arhatic Yoga also introduces several powerful meditations to enable students to accelerate the communication of the bodies with their ‘Higher Souls.’ The practices also gradually purge negative thought patterns, pent-up emotions, and tendencies (from past and present lives). Meditations also cleanse the chakras and aura, providing vitality to the practitioner.
The workshop also stresses the importance of service, tithing, and study to ensure the overall development of the student.
How is Arhatic Yoga different from Hatha Yoga?
Arhatic Yoga is advanced yoga practiced by Adepts and Yogis since ancient times. It was revealed to Grand Master Choa Kok Sui by His Spiritual Teacher, Maha Guruji Mei Ling.
Arhatic Yoga is a synthesis of practices related to internal alchemy. This does not involve the difficult physical postures of Hatha Yoga; instead, it emphasizes meditations for deep and thorough purification of the chakras, meridians, and subtle bodies. In addition, you will be given a step-by-step routine to maintain and continually improve your spiritual practices. This will involve a schedule you can follow to accelerate your spiritual development and still have an everyday life.
You may read more about the different types of Yoga in this article published as part of our online magazine.
Will this contradict my religion or other spiritual practices?
Arhatic Yoga explains many of the deeper spiritual truths of the world’s religions. Not only does it not contradict them, but it empowers the practitioner as he/she understands the ‘inner truths’ often divulged by the religions’ founders only to the inner circle disciples.
Arhatic Yoga also synthesizes the key techniques and principles of Raja Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Simplified Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, and Karma Yoga in a simple step-by-step system that the mainstream people can use to develop spiritually and still maintain a healthy family and career.
How do I know if I am ready for Arhatic Yoga?
Are there any meditations involved?
Multiple advanced meditation techniques are part of Arhatic Yoga. The Meditation on Twin Hearts is a key meditation that forms part of Arhatic Yoga practice. In Arhatic Yoga, several other Arhatic meditations are introduced, including the ‘Arhatic Meditation on the Soul,’ ‘Arhatic Meditation on the Inner Breath,’ and ‘Arhatic Dhyan.’ In addition to these practices, the Meditation on the Lord’s Prayer is also part of Arhatic Yoga practice.
What is the Meditation on Twin Hearts?
The Meditation on Twin Hearts is a 20-minute guided meditation to achieve peace and illumination. It is also a way of serving the world by increasing harmony and peace by blessing the earth with loving kindness. During this meditation, the Heart and Crown chakras get activated, which allows a tremendous amount of divine energy to enter the body. The practitioner becomes a channel of peace, love, order, and light by blessing the earth and every sentient being. The effects, besides bringing peace and harmony to the world, include inner peace, happiness, better memory, clarity of mind, recharged body, improved health, and intuition for the practitioner.
How many workshops are offered in the school related to spirituality?
There are a large number of workshops that discuss the esoteric teachings of many traditions. You can read more about available workshops here. A large number of spiritual workshops require a pre-requisite knowledge of Pranic Healing. This is given that Pranic Healing is intended to be a bridge to spirituality. Pranic Healing workshops prepare for higher spiritual workshops such as Arhatic Yoga (Preparatory).
Are there any online workshops offered?
Unfortunately no. The workshop is composed of theoretical and practical knowledge. The practitioners will practice the techniques on one another under the teacher’s guidance to ensure the correct methods. This is best done in an actual workshop.
What is the Eligibility Criterion for Arhatic Yoga?
To learn Arhatic Yoga you need to be above 18 years or age and in relative good health.
The prerequisites to attending the Arhatic Yoga Prepratory Level workshop is successful completion of the Pranic Psychotherapy and Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soull workshops.