Improve Your Relationships
Transform Your LifePranic Healing for Relationships
As adults, we have numerous relationships to manage and balance – with our relatives, neighbors, friends, co-workers, business associates, and even our children. Strained relationships are usually tricky and mostly unpleasant, especially with people we primarily interact with. Such relationships are very upsetting and can cause emotional pain. Master Choa Kok Sui recognized this problem and created several tools and techniques within the Pranic Healing System to help people harmonize and develop better relationships. The various methods provided in the school have been found to heal relationships and enable individuals to enjoy wholesome and content lives.

Healing Relationships: The Energetic Approach
Relationships have much more than just a physical and intellectual dynamic. We are living in an ocean of energy. Energy is pervasive and has a tendency to affect every facet of our lives, including our relationships. Have you ever observed that some people can make you feel nice and positive whenever you meet them? Have you also noticed that when you meet some people, they make you feel low and upset? The reason that this happens is because every relationship is based on an exchange of energy. Said that even thoughts and emotions are energy. To understand this concept in more detail, you may review this article, Understanding Thought Forms and Thought Entities, from our online magazine.
Energy: The Hidden Dynamic in Relationships
All relationships have a hidden dynamic. This hidden dynamic is energy. Have you ever observed that there are some people that make you feel positive and nice whenever you meet them? Have you also noticed that some people have you feel low and upset? The reason that this happens is because all relationships are finally based on an exchange of energy. Even words, thoughts and emotions have energy. Hence whatever you say, think or feel about a person also has a tendency to affect the other person (and hence the relationship with the other person).
Positive relationships reflect intimacy in every aspect of togetherness. The energy of a loving couple in an intimate relationship blends in a harmonious way, allowing love and good emotions to flow between them easily and freely. Conversely, when a couple is in a poor relationship, arguing and fighting, the energy fields don’t blend and flow. They actually clash and repel, manifesting as even more painful friction.
MCKS utilised some of the esoteric techniques to disintegrate the negative thoughts and emotions between people. This helps empower individuals to react less to negative energies, while promoting positive harmonious energy to flow freely between both parties in a relationship.

Harmonizing Relationships using the Twin Hearts
One of the techniques that has shown remarkable results in improving relationships is the Meditation on Twin Hearts. In one case, a woman actually credits Meditation on Twin Hearts with saving her marriage. When she discovered Meditation on Twin Hearts, she was experiencing a challenging emotional period. She and her husband were contemplating divorce. Hurt, resentment, and separation plagued the relationship with her husband. She used to prepare and eat dinner with her husband each night happily, but she could not bring herself to do it even once a month.
Relationship anxiety and doubt filled their hearts, and it seemed that the relationship could not go on. She was instructed to practice Meditation on Twin Hearts daily and to visualize her husband sending blessings of love, understanding, happiness, and forgiveness. She followed the instructions, and in about a month, she noticed a significant transformation in her emotions. Where there was once resentment and doubt, she was experiencing forgiveness and hope. She started actively working on the relationship with her husband and felt moved enough to start cooking dinner regularly again.
Over time, they resolved the deep rift that separated them and began working constructively on their relationship. The woman attributes the shift in her emotions, her attitude towards her husband, and her saved marriage to Meditation on Twin Hearts and its effect on her heart.
The technology of blessing and forgiving is potent and can also be applied in many other scenarios. Thousands of practitioners of the Meditation on Twin Hearts have reported improved relationships with their relatives, co-workers, and even supervisors through the use of this powerful technique.
Another powerful technique is forgiveness. In any relationship, the closer two people get, the more the chances of friction. People often have different viewpoints, value systems, and thought processes. There are often disagreements on minor and major issues, which causes friction between people. This friction sometimes manifests as disappointment, anger, frustration, and lack of trust.
According to MCKS, the lubricant for any relationship is love – or, more specifically, the virtue of Loving Kindness and Non-Injury. One can transform the relationship through loving thoughts, words, and actions. Let us clarify that love is not necessarily romantic. Being loving also entails being tolerant, nurturing, kind, and patient with the other person, and most importantly, practicing forgiveness. This is true for every relationship you are in – be it with your spouse, sibling, or co-workers. When we practice this virtue, our tendency to become angry or to lose patience is gradually eliminated. When external circumstances and people can no longer stir up our emotions, we can truly be peaceful and healthy.
You can read more about the importance of forgiveness in the article titled Forgive and Forget: The Importance of Forgiveness in our online magazine.
Relationship Healing
In addition to Meditation on Twin Hearts, MCKS also provided a powerful tool, Relationship Healing, taught in Pranic Psychotherapy. Relationship Healing aids in the rapid removal of negative thoughts and emotions between people. The relationship will start improving once these negative thoughts and feelings are released.
Also, MCKS realized that when people have relationship issues, they sometimes tend to (consciously and unconsciously) project negative thoughts and emotions on others. This is why he created Practical Psychic Self Defence to enable us to protect ourselves from such negative energies.
Let’s Learn Pranic Healing
Workshops, including Basic Pranic Healing, Pranic Psychotherapy, Practical Psychic Self Defence, and Achieving Oneness With The Higher Soul, provide tools and techniques to alleviate conditions related to relationship problems in our lives. Detailed descriptions of these workshops offer more information on how these workshops can help you.
Learning Pranic Healing is like learning how to drive. The introductory two-day Basic Pranic Healing workshop provides an intensive and systematic approach to learning and applying healing techniques on self and others. The concepts and methods are thoroughly clarified using a simple cookbook approach, which makes learning practical, engaging, and, most importantly, a lot of fun.
There are a significantly large number of applications on how Pranic Healing can benefit you in everyday life. You can read about some of those experiences on our Testimonials page. You can access the answers to frequently asked questions on Pranic Healing by clicking here. It will be a pleasure to assist you in exploring the benefits of Pranic Healing for yourself.