Improve Your Finances
Transform Your LifePranic Healing for Finances
In 2016, Cognizant and Red Associates completed a comprehensive anthropological study on The Future of Money. The study closely followed people’s lives in the US, UK, and Germany, uncovering hidden truths about their behaviors, emotions, and habits around dealing with money and finances. The study discovered that when you ask people about their most significant source of stress, they don’t say terrorism, health, or job prospects but about financial challenges. It was not a few people who left this way. Over 37% of the 3000 respondents interviewed felt stressed about money.
The research noted: “In short, people’s relationship with money is broken. This finding was, to us, deeply disturbing. No other consumer product we have ever studied has the same all-pervasive quality. For the people we met, not knowing if they are saving enough for retirement means not knowing how they will live when they grow older or if they will be able to retire at all. Not knowing whether they are putting enough money aside for their children’s education means not knowing whether they are competent parents.”

Almost all of us recognize that money is important and can be a massive source of stress in our lives. But the question is, how can we fix the problem with our finances?
Master Choa Kok Sui, as a spiritual teacher, was very unique. Not only was he a very successful businessman (MCKS was born into a very rich and prosperous family), but he was also an Enlightened Guru. The perfect blending of these varied qualities made him a unique Spiritual Teacher for our times. MCKS always stressed that prosperity and spirituality are compatible with each other.
MCKS has emphasized the need for spiritual practices and service. However, he realized that sometimes it becomes difficult for students to devote their time to spiritual training and self-development, given that they have to struggle to make ends meet. Also, it is difficult for people to “serve on an empty stomach.” Hence, over the years, MCKS synthesized his knowledge of subtle energies with his experiences as a successful businessman to reveal to his students the inner esoteric secrets to create abundance and prosperity.
Prosperity and Spirituality
People on the spiritual path often think that money is not good and can be the source of various vices. However, according to MCKS, the more accurate way is to look at money as a form of energy that can be used for good and bad. If money is in the hands of righteous people, it can be constructively used for the benefit of humanity. According to MCKS, “Money is Concretized Energy!” Material abundance and prosperity give you the freedom to pursue your spiritual goals and be of service to others.
Around us, we see people with good education and abilities who cannot produce results commensurate with their background. Many work hard all their lives and end up with unrealized dreams. Yet there are others who seem to have money, and opportunities fall on their lap. MCKS explained that we are the total of our previous thoughts, emotions, decisions, and actions. Our most significant limitations are those that come from within and not from outside. Most of the time, we fail because of negative notions, negative thought forms, negative attitudes, and wrong actions that eventually manifest in poor financial conditions, hardships, and disasters.
MCKS Healing Workshops
MCKS has provided a large number of tools and techniques in multiple Pranic Healing workshops to help students improve their finances. Specifically, chakras (which are part of our energetic anatomy) have physical, psychological, and spiritual functions. Proper functioning of some of the chakras is important in making and retaining money. Pranic Healing treatment can help make the affected chakras healthy and robust, and once that happens, the financial condition of the person will substantially improve.
Lots of practical techniques that help improve finances are taught in a healing series of workshops, including Basic Pranic Healing, Pranic Psychotherapy, Pranic Crystal Healing, and Practical Psychic Self Defence. There are also specific protocols that MCKS has provided for Business Healing (or the application of Pranic Healing techniques to “heal” corporations).
Besides vital and activated chakras, you also need some other factors for success. One of these is good karma. Sometimes, you might wonder how a person who is not intelligent enough is more prosperous than an intelligent, hardworking person that you know. Pranic Healing can answer such questions by revealing the knowledge behind the world of energy and the laws of the Universe.
MCKS Prosperity Workshops
As stated often by MCKS, Spirituality and Prosperity are like the two wings of a bird; we need both of them to fly. In the Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga system, several workshops in the prosperity series can help us gain the power to materialize our goals and wishes rapidly and properly so we can dedicate more time to spiritual practices and service. These include Kriyashakti, Pranic Feng Shui, and Spiritual Business Management.
- Kriyashakti is a Sanskrit word that means “using the power of thought to manifest things in the physical plane.” It is the science of manifestation that gives the individual the ability to manifest his plans more effectively. MCKS designed the Kriyashakti workshop to enable students to fulfill their financial goals and dreams. In this workshop, MCKS has synthesized his knowledge of subtle energies with his experiences as a successful businessman to reveal the hidden secrets to create abundance, prosperity, and success.
- Feng Shui is a school of thought that teaches one how to create a positive, energetic environment so that the inhabitants increase their chances of being successful in all aspects of their lives. We are living beings with living energy fields. Just as, the quality of water is important for a fish in an aquarium, the energetic environment around us is crucial for one’s physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial health. Feng Shui (pronounced as feng shway) is a Chinese word for ‘wind’ and ‘water.’ These two elements characterize the fluidic properties of prana or ‘energy.’ One should be able to harness good “Feng Shui” in the workplace for productivity and success, scholastic success in the children’s library, and immeasurable love in the home.
- Spiritual Business Management provides a revolutionary approach to successfully managing your life and business using Esoteric Laws. The course, therefore, creates a platform for employers and employees to build better confidence, clarity of goals, and more practical strategies and to provide an efficient and harmonious working environment. By using energy and spiritual laws, you can realize plans and projects and create an overall positive organizational environment.
Let’s Learn Pranic Healing
Learning Pranic Healing is like learning how to drive. The introductory two-day Basic Pranic Healing workshop provides an intensive and systematic approach to learning and applying healing techniques on themselves and others. The concepts and methods are thoroughly clarified using a simple cookbook approach, which makes learning practical, engaging, and, most importantly, a lot of fun.
Other workshops that provide insights and techniques to help us financially include Pranic Psychotherapy, Pranic Crystal Healing, Practical Psychic Self Defence, Kriyashakti, Pranic Feng Shui, and Spiritual Business Management.
There are a significantly large number of applications on how Pranic Healing can benefit you in everyday life. You can read about some of the experiences on our Testimonials page. You can access the answers to frequently asked questions on Pranic Healing by clicking here. It will be a pleasure to assist you in exploring the benefits of Pranic Healing for yourself.