Pranic Psychotherapy
Healing and Protection SeriesAn Overview
According to medical studies, up to 80% of ailments can be traced to ‘avoidable emotional and psychological problems.’ Presently, emotion is at the heart of most of our problems. Disturbed emotional balance, stress, anxiety, and tension are the root cause of most of today’s ailments. Despite the tremendous progress made in science and medicine, treatments for psychological ailments are expensive, complex, and may take a long time to show results. Pranic Psychotherapy effectively treats these ailments in a few days, weeks, or months, depending on the severity of the ailments.
Pranic Psychotherapy is simply Pranic Healing applied to preventing, alleviating, and treating psychological ailments. According to MCKS, psychological ailments are basically the result of accumulated negative thoughts, emotions, and traumatic experiences, trapped in the auras and chakras. These energies are often difficult to release, requiring months or even years of traditional psychotherapy to experience any improvement. However, Pranic Psychotherapy allows you to quickly and safely release these crippling energy patterns. The result will be peaceful emotions, harmonized relationships, positive thinking patterns, and good self-esteem. Using the tools of Pranic Psychotherapy, these can be disintegrated, helping the patient overcome his or her emotional issues much more quickly and easily.

Pranic Psychotherapy also allows you to quickly and safely release negative thoughts and emotions like fear, anger, and resentment that might be limiting you from achieving your greater potential. This course bridges the gap between the mind, physical body, and human energy system, providing new dimensions to traditional psychotherapeutic measures and practices.
Additionally, in Pranic Psychotherapy, you will learn advanced energy extraction techniques on the affected chakras. You can alleviate phobias, compulsions, and addictions using those techniques in a short time. Most importantly, for treating the ailments with Pranic Psychotherapy, the patient won’t have to reveal any personal information that may cause them embarrassment. It is not uncommon that in just the first session, a phobia is substantially gone. In fact, during the class, we encourage the students to do their best to completely remove real-life emotional issues that their partners have.
In this workshop, you will learn:
- The psychological functions of the 11 major chakras
- Protective web, negative elementals, and negative thought forms
- Understand how thoughts and emotions affect our thinking patterns and behaviors
- Use psychotherapy scanning to know the condition of your system and which thoughts and emotions affect you the most
- How to purge negative programming acquired during childhood, resulting in unwholesome habits and actions. Removing your negative qualities (such as envy, jealousy, and anger)
- Help psychologically imbalanced people, even ones who have a suicidal tendency or who are mentally retarded
- The ability to quickly and safely release negative thoughts and emotions like fear, anger, and resentment that may be limiting the person from achieving his/her greater potential
- Special techniques to transmute the sexual energies of teenage children into intelligence and concentration
- How to improve your self-esteem, overcome your negative habits and tendencies
- How to improve relationships with your spouse, family, friends, and co-workers
- Other powerful techniques to regulate anger; healing by command, the ritual of sacrifice and blessings, the white-board technique, and many more.
In Pranic Psychotherapy Course, the student will be taught how to heal a wide range of emotional, mental, and psychological ailments, including:
- Healing Stress and Migraine Headaches
- Healing Irritability, Anxiety, Grief, and Hysteria.
- Healing Phobias, Traumas, Obsessions, and Compulsions.
- Healing Nymphomania, Exhibitionism, Sexual Violence, and Child Molesting
- Healing Sexual Impotence
- Healing Addictions: Smoking, Alcoholism, and Drug Addiction
- Healing Hallucination: Visual and Auditory Hallucination
- Healing Restlessness
- Healing Depression: Depression due to Psychological Factors, Severe Depression, and Suicidal Tendencies
- Healing for Violent and Paranoid Patients
- Treatment for Mental Retardation and Dyslexia
- Healing Relationships.
Knowing Pranic Psychotherapy is a necessity. This workshop gives you proper knowledge and techniques to deal with psychological issues like stress, depression, and anger. It is a must-learn workshop for all, especially parents, psychotherapists, consultants, students, supervisors, and doctors. Pranic Psychotherapy provides the ability to control the mind and emotions.
16 hours (It’s a two-day workshop).
Workshop Fees
Rs. 6,000 (inclusive of GST); it includes books, CDs, food and refreshments.
Review Fees
You can review any workshop that you have already attended. The review fee for this workshop is Rs. 1,800 (inclusive of GST). Review fees include food & refreshments.
Please note that if you are not listed in our database as a graduate of this workshop, then you will be asked to submit a copy of your certificate of completion for this workshop to participate in the review.