Know All About Pranic Healing

Frequently Asked Questions About Pranic Healing

Energy Healing is an ancient concept practiced by many sages, saints, and healers since immemorial times and has several modalities. Though all of them are still not recorded, you can find hundreds on different online sources. Pranic Healing, as a science, was born in 1987 after years of research and validation by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui. Pranic Healing is immensely scientific and systematic in its approach.

You may learn more about Pranic Healing by reading answers to the most frequently asked questions. If there are any other specifics you would like to know, please feel free to contact us. We would be happy to hear from you.

Learn More About Pranic Healing

Pranic Healing Explained

What is Pranic Healing?

Pranic Healing comes from two words: “prana,” which means vital energy, and “healing.” Pranic Healing is a no-touch and no-drug complementary healing modality that uses prana to heal a wide range of physical and psychological ailments.

Pranic Healing is acutely systematic and scientific, distinguishing it from other healing modalities. Through years of research, it was developed and synthesized by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui.

Pranic Healing provides a comprehensive set of techniques to relieve physical and emotional ailments. Pranic Healing works successfully to resolve a large range of problems disturbing your physical and mental health and to bring good health and happiness.

Pranic Healing is not only for people suffering from any illness but for everyone, even healthy people because it enables us to control our lives and improve every aspect through a scientific approach. It could be health, happiness, productivity at work, relationships, and even finances. You may read more about the applications of Pranic Healing on our website. In this sense Pranic Healing can be considered to be a set of tools. 

Pranic Healing works successfully with conditions ranging from the common cold, fever, back pain, asthma, heart trouble, hypertension, and arthritis to stress, traumas, phobias, depression, and other complicated health and psychological issues.

We must emphasize that Pranic Healing is a complementary healing approach. It is meant to enhance your medical treatment, not replace it.

How Old is Pranic Healing?

Pranic Healing was introduced by Master Choa Kok Sui in 1987. It is being practiced by people from across the world for over 36 years now.

Where did Pranic Healing originate?

Before modern medicine, people had other means of healing, which we have largely lost touch with. Many individuals knew energy healing techniques for preventing diseases and cure from several health conditions.  They studied health and healing in ways that addressed the whole person — physical, emotional, and spiritual being. Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, through years of experiments, synthesized the healing practices from various modalities available across the world to develop and create Pranic Healing.

Pranic Healing system has its roots within the ancient Indian system of yoga and the Chinese External Medical Chi Kung School. Pranic Healing in its existing form has been painstakingly, systematically, and scientifically developed, revealed, and globally taught by Master Choa Kok Sui. Along with committed participants, he spent several years experimenting to determine the effectiveness and mechanism of the healing techniques commonly known and used by healers and students of esoteric sciences.

Is Pranic Healing practiced extensively?

 Pranic Healing is practiced extensively worldwide by people from various walks of life, including doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, nurses, entrepreneurs, health and wellness professionals, writers, designers, bankers, and others. As of date, Pranic Healing exists in over 100 countries across the world.

Specifically in India alone, we have over 2,00,000 Pranic Healers!

Is Pranic Healing related to any sect or religion?

Pranic Healing does not belong to any religion or sect. It is eclectic and leads the practitioner to the truth. Pranic Healing is designed purely based on the science of energy and uses the laws of nature and universal truth. People from over 100 countries from different religions and with diverse backgrounds have been practicing Pranic Healing for several decades.

What is the difference between Pranic Healing and Reiki?

Aspiring learners of esoteric science often cannot differentiate between Pranic Healing and Reiki. Both of them are popular healing modalities of energy healing but aren’t the same. Pranic Healing and Reiki are excellent healing modalities and help alleviate pain and suffering, but there are differences between the two modalities as well. Several years ago, a detailed analysis of the two systems was presented by Master Pranic Healer Stephen Co (A direct disciple of Master Choa Kok Sui). You may read the analysis in our blog “Pranic Healing and Reiki: Is there a difference?

There are more similarities between Pranic Healing and Accupuncture vis-a-vis that with Reiki. 

Common Terminologies for Studying Pranic Healing and Concerns

What is Prana?

Prana is the vital energy or life force that keeps the body healthy and alive. In Chinese, it is called Chi; in Japanese, Ki; and in Sanskrit, Prana. There are three main sources of Prana: the air, the sun, and the ground.

Does the concept of Prana exist in other healing systems?

The concept of Prana exists in different healing systems.

  • In Ayurveda, Prana is one of the five subtypes of Vayu (air) that are essential for life and is referenced in both the Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita.
  • In Yoga, as described in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Prana is the vital energy that sustains the body.
  • In the Unani system, Prana is called Ruh, the essence that gives life, vitality, and consciousness, as mentioned in the Canon of Medicine.
  • In the Siddha system, Prana is known as Vasi, and according to the Agastya Samhita, Vasi is critical for the proper functioning of the body and mind.
  • In Homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine refers to Prana as Vital Force, which sustains life and health.
  • In the Chinese tradition Prana is referred to as Chi and forms the basis for practices such Tai Chi and QiGong (pronounced “chi gong”, qi means “life force” while Gong is the term meaning work or gather). Prana is also the basis behind the ancient practice of Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Acupuncture and moxibustion which part of  TCM believes that the body’s vital energy flows along specific channels or meridians. Prana is also the basis behind accupuncture.
  • In the Japanese tradition Prana is referred to as Ki and forms the basis for martial arts such as Akido and healing modalities such as Reiki.

What is the Energy Body?

The physical body comprises two parts: the visible physical body and the energy body, the etheric body, the bioplasmic body, or the aura, which is invisible. These two bodies are interconnected; it means what affects one also affects the other. This is known as the law of correspondence. Hence healing the energy body has substantial relief on the physical body.

What are Meridians? What are Chakras?

The energy body has energy channels, known as meridians, and energy centers, known as chakras.

Chakras are like power plants that provide energy for the proper functioning of the body. Each chakra is responsible for controlling and energizing certain parts and organs of the physical body. If the chakras malfunction, they will adversely affect the proper functioning of the vital internal organs. Chakras, besides physical functions, also have psychological functions, which determine a person’s character.

In Pranic Healing we do not treat the meredians per say. Healing is brought about by treating the energy centers or chakras. Meridians form the basis for other forms of complementary medicine such as accupuncture and accupressure. 

How does Pranic Healing work?

Pranic Healing is based on two fundamental laws.

  1. The body has the potential and ability to heal and repair itself
  2. Life Energy (Referred to as Chi in China, Ki in Japan, Prana in India, and Ruah in the Bible) surrounds and permeates the physical body.

An individual’s healing capacity depends on how much Prana that person has. Therefore, boosting a person’s Life Force in the affected areas of the body increases the body’s self-recovery mechanism.

Pranic Healing is based on the principle of connection between the physical body and the energy body (or aura). One follows the other. For healing, we work on the energy body (particularly on the areas and Chakras affected by the ailment/disease) to accelerate the healing process.  Working systematically on the energy body creates a new pattern that supports and accelerates the body’s innate ability to heal.

Pranic Healing uses a cookbook approach for healing different ailments. There is a protocol (recipe) for anything from nose bleeds to coronary artery disease, trauma, and anxiety. These unique protocols help in producing tangible results in a short period. Pranic Healing involves scanning the human aura to detect imbalances of energies, known as energetic congestion and depletion. It then uses cleansing techniques to remove dirty, diseased, and used-up energies, followed by energizing techniques to improve energy flow and strengthen the aura and the chakras. Once the aura is balanced, clean, and strong, it improves the physical health of the individual owing to the law of correspondence. It means what affects the energy body affects the physical body and vice versa.

Is Pranic Healing scientific?

Yes, it is completely scientific. The techniques and applications of Pranic Healing are designed after extensive scientific research, experiments, and validation. Pranic Healing uses a cookbook approach to healing different ailments. There is a protocol (recipe) for anything from nose bleeds to coronary artery disease, trauma, and anxiety. These unique protocols help produce consistent and tangible results in a short period.

There is nothing paranormal about Pranic Healing. It is based on the Laws of Nature. You can read an article in our Online Magazine about the research conducted by an eminent physicist in the USA who concluded that Pranic Healing is consistent with the Laws of Physics.

There are also many other kinds of research done in different fields of study, including medicine, massage therapy, psychology, agriculture, and architecture, using the teachings and principles of Pranic Healing. You may read about the research studies being conducted at the websites of the World Pranic Healing Foundation and the Pranic Healing Research Institute.

Can Pranic Healing have any adverse effects on the healer?

Just as a medical practitioner takes care of his/her hygiene while treating patients, practitioners of Pranic Healing also maintain “energy hygiene.” It is one of the practices unique to the Pranic Healing system, where the healer is taught certain simple techniques to ensure that no “energy contamination” occurs while healing a patient. This ensures that the healer cannot get affected by the dirty or diseased energy of the patient as long as they follow the steps taught in the Pranic Healing workshops. Energy hygiene is one aspect that makes Pranic Healing unique compared to other energy-based modalities.

Treating Ailments Through Pranic Healing

What physical ailments can be treated using Pranic Healing?

There are very few conditions that Pranic Healing cannot alleviate. Based on the testimonials, remarkable improvements have been observed in many physical ailments by applying Pranic Healing. These include simple ailments (such as headache, common cold, cough, fever, and sinusitis, amongst others); disorders of the immunity and defense system; disorders of the eye, ear, and throat; skin disorders, heart and circulatory ailments, respiratory ailments, gastrointestinal ailments, urinary ailments, reproductive ailments, endocrine ailments, skeletal and muscular disorders, blood disorders, and disorders of the brain and nervous system. Pranic Healing has also provided positive results while treating patients with terminal illnesses (such as cancers) and an improvement in the quality of life has been observed.

Pranic Healing also discusses protocols and methodologies for healing ailments of the different systems of the body, specifically:

  • Immunity and Defense system, e.g., lymphatic system, skin infections, eye infections, ear infections, tonsillitis and mumps, respiratory infections, gastrointestinal infections, liver Infections, urinary infections, and venereal diseases.
  • Disorders of the eye, ear, and throat, e.g., nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, cross-eyes, walleyes, floater, glaucoma, cataract, deafness, ruptured eardrum, glued ear, nerve deafness, tinnitus, vertigo, laryngitis, mumps, and tonsillitis.
  • Skin disorders, e.g., itch, eczema or dermatitis, mild pimples, chronic severe pimples, chronic boils, skin allergy, psoriasis, and thinning hair.
  • Heart and circulatory ailments, e.g., circulatory system, partial heart block, coronary artery disease, irregular heartbeat or cardiac arrhythmias, inflammation of heart or rheumatic heart, enlarged heart, defective valve, congenital heart ailment, arteriosclerosis or atherosclerosis, varicose veins, hypertension, hypotension, and stroke.
  • Respiratory ailments, e.g., respiratory system, chronic sinusitis, chronic cough, lung infections such as bronchitis, influenza, pneumonia, tuberculosis, asthma, and emphysema.
  • Gastro-intestinal ailments, e.g., digestive system, assimilative system, eliminative system, difficulty in swallowing, vomiting and diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, indigestion, gastrointestinal ulcer, hemorrhoids, hernia, high cholesterol, gastrointestinal infections, acute appendicitis, acute pancreatitis, gallstones, hepatitis and assimilation problems.
  • Urinary ailments, e.g., urinary system, infections of the urinary tube and bladder, infection, and inflammation of the kidney, kidney stones, stimulating urination and regeneration of the kidneys.
  • Reproductive ailments, e.g., reproductive system, dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, no menstruation, Vvulvitis, vaginitis, cervicitis, ovarian cyst, myoma, prolapsed uterus, enlarged prostate, sexual impotence, sterility, venereal disease, pregnant women, avoiding miscarriage, preventing miscarriage, facilitating the birthing process, hastening recovery after child-birth and birthing at home.
  • Endocrine ailments, e.g., endocrine system, diabetes due to the body’s inability to make use of insulin, pancreatic diabetes due to insufficient insulin, hyperthyroidism, and ailments of the endocrine glands.
  • Skeletal and muscular disorders, e.g., skeletal and muscular system, lower back pain, sciatica and herniated disk, scoliosis, arthritis or rheumatism, inflammation of the muscles and tendons, stiff neck, painful shoulder, gout, degenerative arthritis or osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, sports injuries, muscle cramps, bursitis, strain, sprain, hernia, torn tendons and dislocation.
  • Blood disorders, e.g., blood, anemia, acute allergy, autoimmune ailment and leukemia.
  • Disorders of the brain and nervous system, e.g., Bell’s Palsy, facial tics, numbness, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, encephalitis, meningitis and mental retardation.
  • Tumors and cancer e.g., benign tumors, cancer (proper pranic treatment, diet, emotions, law of forgiveness and law of mercy), lung cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer, colon cancer, brain cancer and eye cancer amongst others.
  • AIDS

The above is only a partial list of the kind of disorders that Pranic Healing can treat.  In general Pranic Healing can help alleviate and provide relief in a large number of other disorders.

It is important to emphasise that Pranic Healing is not intended to replace conventional medicine, but is instead meant  as complementary system. 

Is Pranic Healing effective in healing psychological ailments?

Pranic Healing belongs to a comprehensive package of complementary treatments that also includes healing psychological ailments. Pranic Psychotherapy is the application of Pranic Healing dealing with emotional and psychological ailments.

Pranic Psychotherapy can be applied to heal a wide range of emotional, mental, and psychological ailments, including:

  • Stress and Migraine Headaches
  • Irritability, Anxiety, Grief, and Hysteria.
  • Phobias, Traumas, Obsessions, and Compulsions.
  • Nymphomania, Exhibitionism, Sexual Violence, and Child Molesting
  • Sexual Impotence
  • Addictions including Smoking, Alcoholism, and Drug Addiction
  • Hallucinations including Visual and Auditory Hallucination
  • Restlessness
  • Depression and Suicidal Tendencies
  • Healing for Anger issues, and violent and paranoid Patients
  • Healing Restlessness
  • Support treatment for disorders such as Mental Retardation and Learning Disorders such as Dyslexia
  • Healing Relationships

Pranic Healing can also help as a support system for treating psychotic disorders including manias, schizophrenia, bi-polar diorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, borderline personality disorder, dissociateive identiy disorder, and many others.

However, Pranic Healing is not meant to replace conventional medicine and care but rather to complement and enhance it. Patients with severe mental health challenges should also consider psyciatrists and psychologists as required. 

Can Pranic Healing help alleviate stress.

Pranic Healing can help overcome stress through an application of various techniques.

These include self-healing techniques which you can learn to apply on yourself after learning Basic Pranic Healing. Additionally, you can use other techniques such as Pranic Breathing can help alleviate stress.

Another powerful technique to alleviate stress is through the regular practice of the Meditation on the Twin Hearts. This meditation technique, which is part of Pranic Healing, helps to increase inner peace, compassion, and emotional balance. It has been shown to lower stress levels significantly.

There are a host of other powerful techniques that are taught in Arhatic Yoga which can help you manage everyday stress. 

These processes combined make Pranic Healing an effective tool for managing and overcoming stress by addressing it at both an energetic and emotional level.

How long does a Pranic Healing session last?

The duration of the session varies depending on the kind of ailment or  problem that you are trying to heal.

Simple ailments can be alleviated in about about 20-30 minues. The healing session for an ailment which is more complex or chronic can take 45-60 minutes or more. 

How often should you receive healing?

The frequency of receiving Pranic Healing depends on the individual’s condition, goals, and overall well-being. Here are some general guidelines.

For acute conditions (such as severe infections) Pranic Healing may be administered more frequently (daily or several times a day) until the condition improves. Frequent sessions help speed up the healing process by continuously cleansing and energizing the affected areas. This also depends upon the importance and criticalness of the part that is affected.

For chronic conditions (such as long-term stress, emotional imbalances, or recurring physical ailments) the recommended frequency is thrice a week. This frequency help manage symptoms, support gradual healing, and maintain overall well-being.

For preventive care and general wellness receiving Pranic Healing once or twice a week can be sufficient. Regular sessions help to keep the energy body clean and balanced, preventing the accumulation of negative energy and maintaining mental and physical health.

The frequency also depends on the speed at which the patient wants to recover. In certain cases more frequent healing is applied to accelerate recovery from illness.

Does Pranic Healing have side effects?

Pranic Healing is generally considered safe and does not have side effects when practiced properly by a trained practitioner. Since it is a non-touch energy healing technique, it doesn’t interfere with medical treatments or medications.

Healers are systematically guided to heal using the protocols. If the protocols provided in the books are followed properly, no side effects will occur. The protocols have been designed after thorough research and experiments to validate the effect of Pranic Healing on different ailments and the rate of their improvement. However, if Pranic Healing is practiced incorrectly, such as by applying advanced techniques without proper training, it could lead to energy imbalances. This is why it’s important to learn Pranic Healing through a authorized instructor.

You may read more about the safety of Pranic Healing in the article titled Can Pranic Healing be Dangerous in our online magazine.

Pranic Healing complements medical care and should not be seen as a substitute for professional medical treatment. It works best when integrated into a holistic approach to well-being.

Can Pranic Healing be applied while undergoing medical treatments?

Yes, absolutely. Pranic Healing works on the energy body and aims to balance the body’s energy processes, while traditional medicine heals the physical body. Thus, Pranic Healing does not interfere but best complements the medical treatment. In Pranic Healing, we believe in an integrated approach to healing; this means that Pranic Healing is not intended to replace orthodox medicine but complement it instead. So if the ailment is severe or the symptoms persist, you are highly encouraged to consult a doctor and a reputed Pranic Healer.

Can Pranic Healing be integrated with other forms of therapy?

In general, yes. It is important to note that Pranic Healing is a complementary theraphy, and is intended to complement other forms of theraphy and medicine. 

Pranic Healing can be integrated with various healing approaches, but it’s recommended to avoid receiving multiple energy-based treatments at the same time. This ensures the body can fully absorb and process the effects of each modality without interference.

How long does Pranic Healing treatment need to substantially relieve an ailment?

The frequency and duration of Pranic Healing treatments differ from case to case. For simple and minor ailments, the healing can be instantaneous or may take a few minutes, hours, or days. For chronic and severe cases, however, the healing is progressive. Therefore, the treatments, in most cases, must be applied three days a week for a few weeks or months.

Can Pranic Healing be done on children?

Yes, you can heal infants and young children using Pranic Healing with certain precautions.

Can Pranic Healing be applied on Pets?

Yes, you can heal your pets using Pranic Healing. Based on our experience, Pranic Healing provides very good results when applied to dogs and cats.

Do I need to believe in Pranic Healing for it to work?

A belief in Pranic Healing is not a requirement for it to work. Pranic Healing operates on the principles of energy and the body’s natural ability to heal itself. It is a non-touch energy healing modality that aims to balance the body’s energy process and remove blockages, allowing for better physical and emotional well-being. Like other forms of medicine, the process works whether or not the recipient believes in it, as it is based on the natural laws of energy, not faith.

However, having an open mind may enhance the experience and create a more receptive environment for healing.

How can I schedule a healing session?

Please feel free to contact us at the Foundation Office. We would be able to set this up for you. 

Alternatively, you can also contact our Pranic Healing Centers

Learning Pranic Healing

How can I learn Pranic Healing?

You can learn Pranic Healing by registering for the Basic Pranic Healing workshop. Get more details about upcoming workshops from your local Pranic Healing Foundation, Association, or Centre.

Those who live in West Bengal, Odisha, Assam, or the North East can contact us or approach our licensed Pranic Healing Centres for more details about upcoming courses, workshops, and events.

What are the healing courses in Pranic Healing?

The healing courses start with the Basic Pranic Healing workshop that serves as a foundation for the science of energy healing. It is then followed by Advanced Pranic Healing, which involves the application of color Prana in treating various ailments. The rate of recovery accelerates tremendously by using color Pranas. Pranic Psychotherapy is the third level that introduces effective techniques for treating emotional and mental ailments and addresses behavioral problems. This is followed by Pranic Crystal Healing, which teaches the principles and applications of crystals and gemstones during healing, drastically reducing the time required to heal a patient. The Practical Psychic Self Defence workshop delves into protecting oneself from negative thoughts and psychic contamination. Finally, there is Pranic Weight Loss, Body Sculpting, and Face Lift which is a fascinating area discussing the applications of Pranic Healing principles for health and beauty.

There are several other courses for spirituality and prosperity. You can read about our workshops series here.

Who can learn and Practice Pranic Healing?

Anybody above 16 years of age who can read and write, and has an open mind can learn Pranic Healing. People from all walks of life, all over the world, have learned and have benefited from Pranic Healing.

Are there any meditations involved?

Several advanced meditations are taught in different workshops. One of the simplest is the Meditation on Twin Hearts, which, besides leading the practitioner to peace and illumination, has healing and purifying effects on the aura and the chakras, reducing stress and cultivating inner peace. The Meditation on Twin Hearts is also part of the Basic Pranic Healing and Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul workshops – and can also be independently learned and practiced without taking any Pranic Healing workshop.

There are other meditation practices that can be used for self healing. One of them is the Meditation on the White light which can be performed after learning Basic Pranic Healing. 

Other higher meditation techniques are taught in Arhatic Yoga

What is the Meditation on Twin Hearts?

The Meditation on Twin Hearts is a 20-minute guided meditation to achieve peace and illumination. It also serves the world by increasing harmony and peace by blessing the earth with loving-kindness. During this meditation, the Heart and Crown chakras get activated, which allows a tremendous amount of divine energy to enter the body. The practitioner becomes a channel of peace, love, order, and light by blessing the earth and every sentient being. Besides bringing peace and harmony to the world, the effect is inner peace, happiness, better memory, clarity of mind, recharged body, improved health, and intuition for the practitioner.

Is there any workshop related to spirituality?

Pranic Healing is a bridge to spirituality by clearing the aura of negative and unwholesome thoughts and emotions. Basic Pranic Healing is a preparation for the higher spiritual workshops, including Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul and Arhatic Yoga Preparatory workshops. Arhatic Yoga provides a safe and structured path for spiritual development. It involves advanced purifications, meditations, and breathing exercises that accelerate the soul’s evolutionary process. There are additionally a large number of workshops that discuss the esoteric teachings of many traditions.

Are there any online workshops offered?

Unfortunately no. The workshops are composed of theoretical and practical knowledge. The practitioners will practice the techniques on one another under the teacher’s guidance to ensure correct hand movements and procedures. It is best done in an offline workshop ta.

How long does it take to learn it?

The Basic Pranic Healing course is a 16-hour workshop. During the workshop, students learn the basic principles and concepts, conduct experiments to test and validate the concepts and practice the techniques thoroughly. This methodology helps you become proficient and confident in producing positive results as soon as you finish the workshop.

Can I start healing after attending the Basic Pranic Healing workshop?

Yes, absolutely! The Basic Pranic Healing workshop is designed in such a way that anyone, after completing it, can start healing. Through our experience, we have observed that students can alleviate simple ailments after the first day of the workshop.

Can this be taught to children too?

One has to be of 16 years or older to learn Pranic Healing.

Having said that, other techniques can be taught to children. This includes a powerful exercise called Superbrain Yoga which helps to improve concentration and memory and helps people become smart, more intelligent, and creative. This exercise takes less than 60 seconds to perform. Multiple studies have been performed to measure the efficacy of Superbrain Yoga. Over the years, children studied showed a significant increase in academic and behavioral performance, greater class participation, and improved social skills.

Super Brain Yoga benefits not just young students but also adults. It improves brain function, ensures brain health for senior people, and helps patients with developmental challenges and cognitive delays find effective cures and normalcy. Superbrain Yoga can additionally help keep our brain fit and functional, and how these can help counter the common mental effects of aging, memory loss, as well as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

To learn the technique, we recommend reading the book Superbrain Yoga by Master Choa Kok Sui. The book is available for purchase on  Online Pranic Healing Shop.

Can one heal oneself too? Can you heal distantly?

Yes, Self-healing and Preventive Healing are topics taught during the Pranic Healing workshops. Interestingly, you can also apply Pranic Healing treatment distantly.

What other things do you teach apart from healing?

There are many things that form parts of the Pranic Healing system. Besides healing for physical and psychological ailments, Pranic Healing teaches easy-to-learn methods to generate energy, such as breathing exercises, techniques to recharge yourself when you are physically or mentally tired, meditations, and deeper universal spiritual teachings such as the Law of Karma and the Golden Rule.

Pranic Healing also provides techniques which when applied can help you improve your relationships and your finances.  

As a system, Pranic Healing is intended to be a Bridge to Spirituality. Powerful techniques for spiritual growth and development are taught in Arhatic Yoga.

Pranic Healing as a whole is a very complete system. 

Research and Medical Acceptability

Are there any doctors or medical establishments where Pranic Healing is in practice?

There are a surprising number of doctors all over the world who complement their treatments with Pranic Healing. A good number of hospitals worldwide, including:

  • Northern California Neurosurgery (USA) 
  • Kaiser Permanent hospitals (USA)
  • Sinai Medical Centre (USA) 
  • Brown’s Cancer Leukaemia Support Centre (Australia)
  • Apollo Hospitals Chennai (India) 
  • M S Ramaiah Medical College Bangalore (India) 
  • Sri Ganga Ram Hospital Delhi (India) 
  • Jaipur Ayurveda Hospital (India) 

Specifically, regarding the Apollo Hospital Group, their Chairman, Dr. Pratap Reddy, was cured by Pranic Healing from severe spondylitis. You can read a short article on his comments in a leading National Daily.

There are currently a great number of dentists, general surgeons, medical practitioners, specialists, and nurses who use Pranic Healing effectively in their profession.

Pranic Healing is part of the curriculum in multiple educational institutions across India including:

  • Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University, Jind
  • Excel Medical College for Naturopathy and Yoga, Namakkal
  • Karnataka State Open University, Mysuru
  • Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar
  • Swamy Vivekananda Naturopathy and Yoga Medical College, Chennai
  • Government Naturopathy College, Hyderabad
  • Government Yoga and Naturopathy Medical College, Chennai
  • JSS Institute of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences, Coimbatore
  • Pragyan International University, Ranchi
  • Bachelor of Naturopathy and Yogic Science (BNYS) under Mangalore & Dharmashala University
  • Post-graduate course for M Sc Psychology Holistic Counseling since 2001 under Bangalore University

In addition, Pranic Healing is:

  • Approved as a complimentary therapy by the Government of Malaysia
  • Approved as a complimentary therapy by the Government of Ghana
  • Approved as a complimentary therapy by the Government of Dubai
  • Approved as a part of the curriculum for Continuous Education units for nurses, counselors, psychologists, and massage therapists in several states in the USA

    Are there any researches and studies done on Pranic Healing?

    There have been many research studies conducted on Pranic Healing which has been published in scienctific journals. Most of the research is being conducted by the World Pranic Healing Foundation Research Center (India) and the Pranic Healing Research Institute (USA)

    Pranic Healing trials in India are registered with the Clinical Trials Registry in accordance with the guidelines established by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). The Institutional Ethics Committee – World Pranic Healing Foundation is registered with the National Ethics Committee Registry for Biomedical and Health Research (EC/NEW/INST/2024/KA/0492).

    You may read about the research studies being conducted at the websites of the World Pranic Healing Foundation and the Pranic Healing Research Institute.

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