15th August 1952 is a historic day. It is the day when Master Choa Kok Sui, the Modern Founder of Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga, was born. Pranic Healing was born in 1987 with the publication of The Ancient Art and Science of Pranic Healing, and since then, the rich legacy of his teachings has transformed countless lives worldwide. It is hardly any surprise that his birthday is a momentous occasion for all his students as they gather to celebrate the special day.
Celebrating birthdays is a significant tradition across all cultures, and gift-giving is a common cultural aspect. But what is the gift that MCKS would have liked to receive? Students fortunate enough to meet the Teacher while he was in the body know that MCKS didn’t care about receiving material offerings. So what would make the perfect gift to offer the Teacher?

The Ethos Of Master Choa’s Teachings
Many people think that the purpose of spirituality is to achieve inner peace, divine bliss, and divine ecstasy. According to MCKS, the purpose of spiritual development was much more. According to Master Choa, the main purpose of spiritual practice is to produce compassionate, kind hearted, powerful who will become great divine servants. The word to be emphasized is SERVANT. The ethos of the Teachings of MCKS was to enable students to be of greater service to humanity and the planet.
MCKS instilled the importance of service to others in the hearts and minds of Pranic Healers and Arhatic Yogis worldwide. He did this hrough his teachings, and more importantly, his never ending examples. MCKS himself started many charitable and philanthropic organizations all over the world to feed the hungry.
Why? It is because it was the right thing to do.
We have seen many Pranic Healers being asked for money by beggars and the homeless. We would immediately see them offer cash to the person.
It is because it’s the right thing to do, and we are trying to emulate the example of our great Teacher, who was extremely generous. Master Choa said: “Do unto others what you would want them to do unto you. If you were living on the street, wouldn’t you want someone to give you money?”
There are many stories of his generosity. Some students were suffering from financial hardships. MCKS would offer them money. In 2006, MCKS released a new book during the World Conversion in Mumbai. Some people couldn’t afford to buy the book. MCKS said that people who don’t have money can have the book for free. A Pranic Healer suffered a major setback when a family member met with a major accident, and they didn’t have money to pay the hospital bills. MCKS sent the person money immediately, and took care of the medical expenses.
These are just a few first-hand examples. Speak to those students who were fortunate enough to spend time with MCKS while he was there in his physical body. You will hear many such stories.
Pranic Healers are taught to care for other Pranic Healers and non-Pranic Healers. It does not matter if they are family members or strangers.
Because that is the right thing to do; loving kindness and compassion know no boundaries.
As you spiritually develop, you will notice that something fundamentally changes within. As you practice the Meditation on the Twin Hearts more and more, heal other people, and do service towards others, then you reach a point where you cannot deny help to other person in need. It doesn’t matter who it is. You cannot sit and watch the other person suffer. It is just a tiny reflection of how the Teacher daughter us.
The Teacher taught us to “Serve, Serve, and Serve.”
The Birthday Gift for Master
The best birthday gift you can give MCKS on his birthday is by serving. There are many ways to serve.
- Feeding someone hungry is a form of service.
- Healing peoplein pain and are suffering is a form of service.
- Praying for and blessing people facing challenges is a form of service.
- Doing the Meditation on the Twin Hearts and blessing the planet Earth and all her beings is a form of service.
- Spreading the teachings of Pranic Healing, Meditation on the Twin Hearts, Superbrain Yoga, and Arhatic Yoga is also a form of service, given that you are helping others transform their lives.
If you would like to give a gift to Master on his birthday, look for opportunities to serve.
Founder’s Day Celebrations
Founder’s Day Celebrations are a small way to offer our gratitude to Master Choa for the teachings, the continuous blessings, and the inspiration to strive to become better human beings. It is also an occasion for “gift giving” to the Teacher. It is a day for feeding the hungry, healing those in pain, and doing the Meditation on Twin Hearts in a large group as a part of world service. You are cordially invited to join us for the celebrations.