We turn to Google for all our queries. More than 100 billion searches every month prove that we look up to the search engine more than anything else.
Technology and the internet have transformed the world, and we should be grateful to be able to use Google to get answers for anything ranging from cricket scores, weather forecasts, and remedies for sore throat to historical facts like who won the first battle of Panipat. Almost magically, near-accurate answers to any query surface instantaneously. However, unfortunately, Google does not have all the answers.

Have you ever searched for questions that sometimes trouble us? Or, did you search for your life’s purpose or what you should do to overcome the current challenges? You are most likely to draw a blank. Information technology and the internet can only go that far.
To get answers to these perplexing questions, we need a different technology. We need a spiritual technology that helps us connect to our “inner-net.”
The Search Within
What if we tell you that you have been facing the wrong way? Take a moment right now to experience what we mean. Picture yourself in any position. You will notice that you are looking away from yourself. We are always looking outwards, which is the wrong way.
We need to understand our true nature. We are not physical beings who can have a spiritual experience. Instead, we are spiritual beings having a physical experience. A deeper understanding of our true nature involves understanding that you are the soul with a body (as opposed to being a body with a soul).
The soul takes physical incarnation from time to time. A soul needs physical incarnation to experience things, helping the soul grow and evolve. The part of the soul that incarnates is called the Incarnated Soul (often described as the Jiva, the Personality, or the Lower Self). The Incarnated Soul is connected to the Higher Soul (sometimes called the Atman or the Higher Self). The Higher Soul is, in fact, our Divine Self.
While all of us are connected with our Higher Soul, the degree of “connectedness” varies from person to person. This connection may range from the thickness of a spider’s thread to that of a pillar of light. If we can increase the connection (and thereby the “degree of oneness” with the Higher Soul), we can tap into the wisdom and guidance of our Divine Self.
As we seek health, success, and happiness in the physical world, we are often oblivious to how close true health, success, and happiness are because we don’t look inward. Many people do not realize that a strong connection with the Higher Soul is one of the keys to happiness, inner strength, health, and Divine Guidance in your daily life.
So how does one deepen the connection with the Higher Soul? For that, we need a new technology – a spiritual technology. You need to meditate. According to Master Choa Kok Sui, “Meditation is spiritual practice or spiritual consummation. The purpose of meditation is oneness. Meditation has a purifying effect. It strengthens your connection to your Higher Soul.” It is, in fact, the higher purpose of the science of Yoga.
Seeking the Answers
According to MCKS, there are thought forms in our aura. They are created whenever we think about anything. The length of time they remain in our aura depends on their strength. These thoughts create ‘something,’ which is known as inner noise. This inner noise is why we sometimes have the problem of ‘hearing’ the subtle voice of the Higher Soul. According to MCKS, “Inner noise prevents you from knowing who you really are. The aura’s thoughts and emotions cloud is like a thick, hard shell. It clouds everything a person sees, just like wearing dark glasses. This keeps people from thinking clearly.”
To hear the subtle voice of the Higher Soul, one needs to cultivate stillness.
Spiritual practice and meditation is the way to do that. Meditation helps in clearing the inner noise that clouds the aura. As one practices slowly and gradually, stillness and peace prevail. Meditation is the need of the soul. The truth is, as the soul meditates regularly, it rises above all these lower emotions and enables one to hear the voice of the inner soul.

Meditation can be challenging for many. The moment one sits for meditation, they are interrupted by several mental and physical disturbances. We feel lazy and get carried away in our thoughts. Often, the inner noise may even distract you. These and other challenges can delay the meditation. But one needs to persist. The challenges will dissolve when you overcome these challenges and begin to meditate. As MCKS advised, “Meditate for your sake, not for the sake of the teacher.”
MCKS advised: “Make a schedule. Unless you fix the time, you will not meditate. Make a firm resolution to meditate regularly. If you do not follow the schedule, you will not practice. If you do not practice, you will not advance spiritually. Follow the schedule!”
For questions that Google cannot answer
When it comes to meditation, many do not realize that meditation is an exact science. For many people, meditation is confined to a body posture, sitting in an isolated room, and making the mind still. However, advanced meditation techniques are based on science. There are several types of meditation within our school. These include the Meditation on the Twin Hearts, the Meditation on the Lord’s Prayer, the Meditation on the Higher Soul, Inner Breath, Arhatic Dhyan, and others. Each has defined rules and steps for each. Consistent results come from following the exact steps.
Anyone can learn to meditate. For example, learning the Meditation on the Twin Hearts takes about an hour. We would be more than happy to teach you how to meditate. You are welcome to visit the Foundation office every Friday from 6:30 p.m. onward to learn and experience the Meditation on the Twin Hearts. We joyfully urge you to get started to experience the transformation that regular practice will have in your life.

According to MCKS: “The rules for meditation are similar to the rules for driving a car. Follow the simple instructions!” It may take time, but the results are bound to come. As MCKS taught: “The light is always there. How much light comes in depends on you.” Just practice regularly. Be persistent. Divine guidance and divine inspiration will come. You will find the answers from within.