According to the Legend of Diwali, Lord Rama, the Avatar of the age of Gemini, returned home to Ayodhya after 14 years of exile and battle with Ravana. To celebrate his homecoming, the entire city lit up its houses and roads with lamps to welcome the return of their King.
The story of Rama can be interpreted on many levels, as many spiritual truths are woven into the myth of one of the greatest kings in history. One of the interpretations of Lord Rama’s story is that it represents the journey of the soul, which traverses through its long, arduous journey from darkness to light. Therefore, the Legend of Lord Rama can be interpreted as the soul’s homecoming or the union of the incarnated soul with the higher soul after years of struggle.
This is just one interpretation. There are several others.

Diwali Rituals
During Diwali, aartis and lamps are lit for the puja (prayer). The lamps with five or seven flames symbolize the activation of the upper chakras. When you light the five flames, you must develop the five virtues – goodness, which manifests as service, wisdom, truth, love, and justice. When moved counterclockwise and clockwise, the aartis produces a cleansing and energizing reaction in the area.
In one section of his book, The Inner Teachings of Hinduism Revealed, Grand Master Choa Kok Sui talks about the significance of performing an aarti. He says it is a “common way of cleaning the aura.” He further explains how “a priest is often hired to say a prayer and, while offering wood, sends ghee to a fire. Every time one offers ghee, one must invoke Lord Agni’s blessings to purify himself, his chakras, aura, energy body, astral and mental bodies, and to disintegrate his internal obstacles. These internal obstacles are manifestations of internal weaknesses. By burning these internal weaknesses, negative thoughts, and negative emotions, you are burning the internal obstacles.”
However, Master cautions that “…no matter how many aartis are done, if one does not generate good karma, nothing much will happen because no aarti can burn up negative karma.” “An aarthi can burn negative thoughts, negative emotions, and dirty energy, but the karma is still there. The way to handle the karma is to generate good karma through service and tithing. This good karma is used to pay your karmic debts. That is why some of you who were in trouble before because of your service and tithing have generated good karma and paid back some of your karmic debts. That is why your life has improved tremendously.”
Practicing these rituals with understanding and concentration has a wonderful effect on our aura and, in the long term, our lives.
The Power of ‘Rama’
The word ‘Rama’ itself has great power. By reciting the mantra “Om Namo Rama Om” with devotion and reverence, one can receive tremendous empowerment to move mountains of obstacles.
We all at the Yoga Vidya Pranic Healing Foundation of West Bengal wish you a joyful and prosperous Diwali. May the blessings of Lor Rama be bestowed on you and your family.