Are Vegetarianism and Spirituality interrelated? If you particularly look at Eastern traditions (such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism), it appears preferable to be a vegetarian. But what is the connection between one’s diet and spiritual development? Is this a guideline based on any fact, or is this just a dictum?
This article looks to examine and explain the connection in a little more detail.

Nutrition and Prana
Pranic Healing is based on the concept of energy or Prana. There are three primary sources of prana: the sun, the air, and the ground. In addition to the primary sources, there are also secondary sources of Prana. These include food, water, plants, and supplements, amongst others. As living beings, we need a constant supply of fresh prana to maintain good health. One of the ways in which we draw in Prana is via the food and water we consume.
Science has studied nutrition from the chemical viewpoint (proteins, carbohydrates, sugars, minerals, fats, amino acids, and vitamins). However, as of now, science is not aware of the existence of Prana; hence nutrition hasn’t been extensively studied from a standpoint of Prana or energy contained in foods and how it affects the human body.
According to Master Choa Kok Sui, there is a connection between nutrition and Prana. MCKS specifically notes that: “Preserved food contains more or less the same amount of proteins, carbohydrates, and other chemicals compared to fresh food, but fresh food is definitely more nutritious than preserved food because it contains more Prana than preserved ones. The same principle also applies to synthetic and natural vitamins. Natural vitamins are more effective or potent than synthetic vitamins because the natural ones contain more Prana.”
Hence nutrition can also be looked at using an energetic lens comprising of the quantity of Prana (and types of colour prana contained in foods) and its effects on the human body. This also applies to non-vegetarian food such as meat, poultry, and fish.
Prana and Non-Vegetarian Food
Pranic Healing was developed with the help of highly trained clairvoyants. One of the things that were observed was that meat is full of “dirty” energy (to a clairvoyant, this energy appears to be grayish-red in colour).
Why is it that so? Specifically, meat spoilage tends to occur in a matter of hours owing to the presence of bacteria and fungi, which the animal bears. In contrast, gains, fruits, and vegetables remain fresher for longer. Hence, intrinsically, the energy of any non-vegetarian food is grosser and coarser as compared to vegetarian food, given that the decomposition of meat sets in almost immediately after the animal is killed.
From a Pranic Healing standpoint, one must be mindful of the fact that it is dirty energy that causes blockages in the body. Dirty energy can slow down the flow of energy and may even cause pain in the body. If you eat meat, you are ingesting dirty energies into your system. This is one obvious reason why removing meat from one’s diet quickly and easily causes an improvement in the flow of Prana through the body.
Energetically, pork, eel, and catfish are the dirtiest, and MCKS recommended that at least these three be fully eliminated from our diets.
Vegetarianism and Spirituality
If you continue to consume non-vegetarian food while practicing advanced meditation techniques, there may be a couple of “side effects” that the mediator may encounter.
Firstly, part of the energy generated by advanced meditation techniques would be used by the body by way of cleaning and eliminating the dirty energy from the system. This, in a sense, is wasteful given that the body consumes a lot more Prana in digesting non-vegetarian food.
Secondly, as you regularly meditate, the energy bodies start becoming more and more refined and subtle. After a point, non-vegetarian food starts disagreeing with the body, and the body starts experiencing what is called a “radical reaction” in Pranic Healing. This may manifest as stomach pains, overheating, rashes, and general discomfort. All of these are uncomfortable; hence, non-vegetarian food may need to be eventually eliminated fully from the diet for those keen on undertaking advanced meditation practices. Also, the body may start aging faster if you continue to eat non-vegetarian food while practicing advanced meditation techniques.
This is also the reason why Arhatic Yoga practitioners are advised eventually to turn vegetarian with a view to maximizing the effect of their meditations as well as staying healthy. In this sense, ‘vegetarianism’ is more compatible with ‘spirituality.’
There is another link between Vegetarianism and Spirituality – which has to do with the virtue of Ahimsa.
Vegetarianism and Ahimsa
The Sanskrit word ahimsa, meaning “to do no harm,” is emphasized in several Eastern religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. Ahimsa also means to show kindness kindness and non-violence towards all living things, including animals. All said and done, killing is a violent act, and you are cutting off a being’s life (and its opportunity to evolve further). In this sense, ‘vegetarianism’ and ‘spirituality’ are considered to be more compatible.
Another reason for choosing a predominantly vegetarian diet is to do with the concept of Ahimsa and the Law of Karma. According to MCKS in his book The Ancient Art and Science of Pranic Healing: “Aside from the health benefits derived from a vegetarian diet, being a vegetarian is also an act of showing mercy toward the animal kingdom. Based on the law of karma, a person who shows mercy will also receive mercy.”
In particular, MCKS advised patients with terminal illnesses to become vegetarian owing to the link between Karma and disease. Also, you may note that MCKS himself was a vegetarian.
Making a Lifestyle Choice
To become vegetarian is to make a conscious lifestyle choice. There are many ways to start. One way is gradually removing one type of meat from your diet (maybe you can start with red meat, then poultry, and then fish). Also, look to add more and more vegetarian dishes into your meals (which is much easier to do if you live in a country like India because of the sheer variety of vegetarian cuisine that is available).
MCKS also observed, through clairvoyant investigation, that vegetarians usually have a more refined bio-plasmic body and a brighter and denser inner aura. Therefore, it is advantageous to become a vegetarian, but it is not a hard necessity.
Should we go fully Vegan? Food from the animal kingdom (such as milk and eggs) has an energy that is grosser than what is contained in grains, fruits, and vegetables. However, milk and eggs are significantly cleaner energetically than any form of meat. Milk and eggs, therefore, may be consumed (provided they agree with your body).
As MCKS advised, it is important to avoid fanatical attitudes towards anything. There is no one diet for everyone. Each one of us has to find out what is right for us. We have provided the reasons for choosing a predominantly vegetarian lifestyle and the choice now is yours.