by | Feb 20, 2018 | Living The Teachings, On Love and Relationships
Whether you have a better life or not depends on you; it depends on your attitude. Any relationship involves at least two people. All relationships have friction and misunderstandings. Hate binds two souls together but needs one to break the links. Forgiveness is not...
by | Feb 13, 2018 | Living The Teachings, On Love and Relationships
Think of February, and we think of Valentine’s Day. It is a day celebrating the bonds of love, cherishing the love around, and being grateful for being surrounded by it. As adults, we have numerous relationships to manage and balance – with our relatives,...
by | Oct 4, 2017 | On Life and Living, On Love and Relationships
Since childhood, we have always heard that we must forgive, be it from our parents, teachers, or books. But what is this forgiveness, and why is it so important? Below, we outline seven important reasons why we, as souls, need to forgive. Why Forgive? 1. Harbouring...