You might have come across the terms Clairvoyant or Clairvoyance. It has often been described as an extrasensory power that allows a person to gain information about an object, person, location, or physical event much before time. Several Hollywood movies have made Clairvoyance a central concept, wherein the plot involves people with paranormal ability (or a Clairvoyant) to see persons and events that are distant in time or space. These people can do things outside the range of normal perception, such as perceive or predict future events, see past events, and do remote viewing.
Does the above sound like mumbo-jumbo? It likely does because it is. Clairvoyance does exist, but it works very differently from what is described above.
Clairvoyance is a word which has been grossly misused, misunderstood, and mystified. The purpose of this article is to explain what the concept really is and how it is used within the MCKS Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga system.

Clairvoyance: Looking Beyond the Form
The word ‘clairvoyance’ comes from the French “clair,” meaning “clear,” and “voyance,” meaning “vision.” Hence, ‘clairvoyance’ means nothing other than “clear seeing.”
Are then people with 20/20 vision clairvoyant?
Not quite.
Clairvoyance is the ability to see beyond the physical form or beyond physical matter.
So, what exactly is physical form?
In physics, a state of matter is one of the distinct forms in which it can exist. According to the current understanding of science, there are four states of matter observable in everyday life – solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. Plasma was discovered in 1879 by Sir William Crookes, who called it “radiant matter.” Then, other states of matter were postulated. One of these is the Bose-Einstein condensates. Bose-Einstein condensates were postulated as far back as 1924. They were first physically produced in 1995 by Eric Cornell and Carl Wieman at the University of Colorado at Boulder NIST–JILA lab. Additionally, modern science has postulated a few dozen other exotic states of matter. While many exist as theoretical possibilities, none can be observed in normal conditions.
In ancient times, people were unaware of the existence of states of matter such as plasma and Bose-Einstein condensates and their properties. It does not mean that these states of matter did not exist. According to Master Choa Kok Sui, “one’s ignorance does not change reality; it simply alters the perception of reality, resulting in incorrect perception and misconception of what is and what is not.”
It is also plausible that there are things beyond the physical states of matter that are currently beyond the grasp of physical sciences. Specifically, the basis for Pranic Healing is ‘prana.’ It is a Sanskrit word that means “life force” and is an invisible bio-energy that keeps the body alive and maintains good health. Although science cannot detect and measure life energy or ‘prana,’ it does not mean that prana does not exist or does not affect the health and well-being of the body. Likewise, concepts such as ‘aura’ and chakras are currently beyond the comprehension of modern science. Yet this does not mean that these concepts are not real. Experiments conducted during the Basic Pranic Healing workshop establish the existence of aura and chakras.
Understanding Clairvoyance
Clairvoyance is the ability to see beyond the form. Specifically, in the context of Pranic Healing, Clairvoyance is understood as the ability to see the energy body, the chakras, and other subtle vehicles. There is nothing paranormal about Clairvoyance. We submit that humans are naturally clairvoyant and can “see” energy. Within the first hour of the Basic Pranic Healing workshop, all participants (without exception) can see ‘air prana’ and the aura! Through proper training, it is possible to develop this faculty further to perceive other subtle energies, including the different bodies and the chakras. This is actually the subject matter of the Higher Clairvoyance workshop.
Pranic Healing was partly developed as an energy healing modality through observations and investigations. In his experiments on Pranic Healing, MCKS was helped by three highly developed clairvoyants – Mang Dabon, Mang Nenet, and Mang Mike, . “Mang” in Filipino means respected sir.
One may also do well to note that the ability to be a clairvoyant has nothing to do with spiritual development. Additionally, MCKS also clarified (in his book The Origin of Modern Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga) that even the best clairvoyants see only with 70% accuracy. Hence, clairvoyant investigations alone are inadequate, and one needs to apply discernment and intelligent evaluation to interpret results from any clairvoyant investigation.
Additionally, clairvoyants are not necessarily good healers. There are a large number of proficient Certified Healers within the school who are not clairvoyant but wonderful healers. The most incredible healer we have encountered was Master Choa Kok Sui himself. A quote from his first book (the Ancient Art and Science of Pranic Healing) will clarify the link between clairvoyance and the ability to produce results through healing: “I am not a clairvoyant nor was I born with any healing ability. If I could learn how to heal effectively, you can also!”
However, being a clairvoyant is a gift. It gives you freedom and the ability to see what is normally not known to all, the ability to look at objects, happenings, and situations from a deeper level, beyond the physical manifestations. Therefore, it takes you nearer to the truth.
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Is there workshop/classes to teach clairvoyance skill developing for pranic healers?